Going through a difficult
divorce? Disagreeing with your ex about child custody and visitation? Dealing
with domestic violence? Ending a domestic partnership? Fighting over child
support or spousal support? If you are going through any type of
family law litigation, you may feel stressed, anxious or even scared. It is important
that you look out for your overall well being during this time in your
life. It is critical that you find an attorney you feel comfortable with
and trust to help you get through your legal matter. You and your attorney
should have an open line of communication and you should know that they
understand your position and goals. This will help take away a great deal
of the stress you are feeling. This will also provide you some time to
focus on yourself.
So what else can you do to get through this difficult time? Encourage
yourself to participate in the hobbies and activities you enjoy. Perhaps
you could read an inspiring book, take a class to learn something you've
always been interested in, go to a museum and appreciate the artwork or
even take up a new hobby. If you are feeling stressed you may want to
talk to a counselor to learn tools to deal with the stress. Also, focus
on keeping healthy. Chris Keith, a personal trainer and fitness instructor
(http://www.crossfit619.com), states that a healthy diet along with exercise
may help improve one's health, increase self esteem and even reduce
stress. (Of course you should always consult with your doctor before starting
any exercise regimen and/or changing your diet). Most importantly, keep
in mind that this time of transition will not last forever.
You will get through this.
Lance Claery
Partner, Claery & Hammond, LLP

Going Through a Difficult Divorce?
A Legal Team You Can Trust
Lance Claery