There are specific circumstances where it's a good idea to have a prenuptial agreement set up between two people. Marriage is a firm agreement between two people but this agreement also includes financial concerns. Following are just a few reasons why a prenuptial agreement, sometimes referred to as a "prenup" agreement would be important.
Reason #1 :If you had children from a previous marriage and you wanted to ensure they inherit the assets you accumulated before your second marriage. If you were to die without a prenuptial agreement or get divorced, your children might have to share part of this amount with your new spouse.
Reason #2: Another reason for having a prenuptial agreement would be if you owned a share of a family business before your current marriage and you want to keep it in that side of the family. If you died without a prenuptial agreement or got divorced, your new spouse might share in the family business which could dramatically change the family interaction within the business.
If you are considering marriage or know someone who is, it would be worthwhile to have a legal expert draw up a prenuptial agreement if any of the above situations are factors for concern. Contact Claery & Hammond, LLP today at (310) 817-6904 to schedule a consultation with a Los Angeles family law attorney at the firm.