Los Angeles Post-Judgment Modifications Attorneys
Modification Requirements in California
Many people are under the impression that when a divorce is "finalized," there is no way to go back and change the agreements that were made. Few things in life ever remain completely the same. In regards to family law in particular, it's not uncommon for things to change in the years following a divorce. Parents might be earning a different level of income, they may have suffered a serious injury or have been diagnosed with a debilitating illness, or they have remarried or relocated to another city or state. Luckily, people with extenuating circumstances may be able to make post judgment actions to adjust the terms of an agreement or divorce to suit their current situation. When a judge agrees to change or amend an existing divorce settlement or court order, it is referred to as a post-judgment modification.
Need to change divorce order or agreement? Talk to a seasoned Los Angeles modification attorney at Claery & Hammond, LLP. Contact us online or call (310) 817-6904 for an appointment.
What May Be Modified After Divorce?
Modifications can be made to a number of different orders and agreements.
Some orders and agreements that may be modified after divorce include below:
- Child Support Modifications
- Child Custody Modifications
- Visitation
- Spousal Support
- Marital Settlement Agreements
What Situations May Allow for Modifications?
As a general rule, people must prove that a significant change in circumstances has occurred that warrants amending an existing court-order. This might include a sudden injury, a death in the family, an unexpected job loss, a remarriage, or a medical condition that makes it difficult to work or care for children.
Other situations that may warrant a modification of a judgement are below:
- A significant increase or decrease in either party's income
- A job loss, job change or other event
- A parent's desire or need to relocate
- A major change in the costs of caring for children, prompted by a medical problem or other event
Post judgment modifications can become necessary when a person's circumstances change so much that it makes it difficult to adhere to the terms of an original agreement or settlement. Sometimes loss of employment or a serious illness can prevent a person from working and making money, which can make it difficult or even impossible to keep paying the current amount of child support which was arranged when you were bringing in considerable amounts of income. In situations like these, your attorney will help prove the necessity of the modification so that your agreement can be changed to accommodate your current situation.
Another reason why a post judgment action may become necessary is if one party does not adhere to the original divorce agreement. In cases involving property division, one or sometimes both parties will neglect to follow the plan, which could mean that one person sells or gives away an item without dividing the proceeds equally with the other person. In these situations, a Los Angeles divorce lawyer can take the necessary legal actions to remedy the situation through a post judgment action.
Get Legal Representation to Modify an Existing Court Order for Support, Visitation, Custody or Relocation
At Claery & Hammond, LLP, we can help you to get an existing court order modified. Once a judgment has been made by the court, even if you and your former spouse agree upon a change, you must get any modification approved by the court. There are a number of issues that could make it necessary to change a court order.
Don't take any chances, as if you fail to adhere to a divorce judgment, you could face legal problems, including being charged with contempt of court, facing wage garnishment or other collection actions that are possible in the State of California.
Modifications of Child Support Orders
There are many issues that could require a change in child support. These can include a loss of employment, reduced wages, increased wages, or the child reaching an age in which they need more support for college or other activities. Health issues can also impact the amount necessary to get in support. Whether you are the parent receiving support or you pay support, if you need to change any aspect of your child support payments, get help from our firm.
Spousal Support Changes
If you have been ordered to pay alimony or spousal support, and you are no longer able to make the payments due to circumstances in your life, you need to get help from our firm to get the matter resolved. If you don't pay, you can be subject to a variety of legal actions that are expensive, stressful and unnecessary. Although the court is fairly strict about making these changes, with our help you increase the chances of a positive outcome. You will have to show a significant change in circumstances to have your spousal support order changed. Come and see us or call us to discuss your issue.
Visitation and Custody
There are cases in which the parent that has physical custody of a child or children and are no longer in a position to care for them, either due to illness, addiction to drugs or alcohol, criminal activities, abuse or other matter. In such cases, it is crucial that action is taken to get the court to change the custody order so that the children are safe from danger and cared for properly. We can help you present a case for changes in child custody. If the other parent has failed to allow you the court ordered access to your children in visitation, and continues to offer excuses as to why you cannot see your children, you can take action in court.
Lawmakers and judges are concerned with protecting parental rights. A parent that continues to violate a visitation order can face legal repercussions including losing physical custody if they have a long history of doing so. We can help bring any such matter to the court's attention and to seek a modification.
Need to Relocate?
Moving to another state or country is likely to require approved by the court. The judge is focused on the best interests of the children, but will also consider matters such as career, access to family and options for resolution of custody and visitation for those who are planning to move away. If you are considering moving, or the other parent of your children has plans to move, you should discuss this matter with our California divorce lawyer so that you know you options.
Lawyers Handling Post Judgment Motions
The situations affecting families are ever-changing, and in the practice of family law it is often necessary to accommodate these changes by applying for post judgment motions. In certain cases, it may be possible to modify the original terms of agreements like child custody, child support, spousal support/alimony, or visitation. If your economic circumstances have significantly changed, affecting your ability to pay child support, or if a promotion at work is making it difficult for you to accommodate your current visitation arrangement, you should speak with an attorney about the possibility of a post judgment motion.
Whether you have a experienced a change in employment status, or have suffered serious injury or illness, you should look to an attorney from Claery & Hammond, LLP to assist you in filing a post judgment motion to modify the terms of your original agreement. An experienced and skilled California family lawyer will help you through every step of the process of modifying an existing agreement, judgment, or order. Negotiating changes to an existing property settlement agreement is not easy, especially for someone with no legal training, so you must let one of our effective attorneys take control of the situation.
Call a Los Angeles Modification Lawyer Today
If you are interested in modifying a court-order, but are unsure of how to go about it or whether or not you even qualify for a modification, please feel free to consult a Los Angeles divorce attorney at Claery & Hammond, LLP. Not every situation qualifies for a modification, so it is important to have an experienced lawyer carefully examining your circumstances. If your circumstances have changed significantly, speak with an post-judgment modification lawyer about the possibility of a modification.
At our firm, we have a great deal of experience in all areas of California family law, and have helped numerous clients throughout Los Angeles seek modifications. We know a successful modification can make a huge difference in your life, which is why we are so committed to doing everything we can to ensure your request for is granted.
To learn more, contact a Los Angeles modification lawyer at Claery & Hammond, LLP. You can call us at (310) 817-6904 or fill out a free case evaluation form!

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